Monday, May 12, 2008

Rockets of Love

Wet leaves along the threshold of the mid-day
and I'm off to rescue the sky from its assassins
jogging and screaming and launching my clean mortars

into the march obscene'll be thinking of me as this happens

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Keep It In Your Pants!

I attended a get together the other night. I categorize her as a Hi and Bye friend. I was sitting down minding my own business when i spot a girl hugging this guy close by. As they parted the girl casually said to the guy..."Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" My jaw just ternganga. Selamat air liur tak meleleh...i mean how lame is that? What made it worse is mamat tu punya reply which is "No gun honey...Just very Very happy to see you" and then they laugh and giggle macam budak umur 4 tahun. What is happening to the world? Gosh! I believe in the saying "If you have it, flaunt it" but c'mon la...KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS!

Ilusi Cintaku...

Aku meraba dalam gelap
Tatkala bulan mengambang di anjung hati
kelibat kau aku pandang
Samar-samar disudut peta mindaku
kaburkah hatiku kerna mengenalimu
Atau...buta mataku mengikut kehendakmu?

Thursday, May 1, 2008


I see myself, sad now, as in a mirror
appearing before us sad now as in a movie that lies